Red: 0
Yellow: 0
Blue: 0
Black: 0
Pink: 0

Red Workers: 0

Yellow Workers: 0

Blue Workers: 0

Rock Workers: 0

Winged Workers: 0
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Build your squad, up to 100 total pikmin.
Total: 0
SHIFT +10, z +25, CTRL +100
- Red Pikmin
- Yellow Pikmin
- Blue Pikmin
- Purple Pikmin
- White Pikmin
- Rock Pikmin
- Winged Pikmin
- Bulborb
- Bramble Wall
- Fiery Blowhog
- Joustmite
- Pyroclasmic Slooch
- Bearded Amprat
- Reinforced Wall
- Anode Beetle
- Sheargrub
- Snagret
- Cannon Beetle
- Wollywog
- Bulbear
- Goolix
- Electric Gate
- Skutterchuck
- Arachnode
- Dirt Wall
- Armored Cannon Larva
- Segmented Crawbster
- Armored Mawdad
- Swooping Snitchbug
- Gatling Groink
- Empress Bulblax
- Poisoned Bramble Wall
- Sputtlefish
- Vehemoth Phosbat
- Ship
- Plains
- Fire Forest
- Desert
- Power Plant
- Clearing
- Waterfall
- Ancient Tree
- Bridges
- Farm
- Pit
- Snowman
- Swamp
- Mines
- Caves
- KopPad
- Alph
- Brittany
- Charlie
- Louie
- Olimar
- President
- Bomb Rock
- Nectar
- Pellet
- Candypop Buds
- Pokos
Pikmin are weird, little creatures that seem to follow my commands. They sprout from the ground and wait for me to pluck them.
Enemies are all over this world. They come in all different shapes and sizes and each pose their own threats.
Places to explore are scattered all around the map. Check in here for information on the different areas. While each area is initially given so we can find important things and rescue the team, going back through some areas may prove useful.
Teammates are great to have. Upon my crash landing here, I seemed to have...misplaced some of them.
Items are found after completing areas. If you want to know what they do or how to use them, check here.
Red Pikmin are resistant to fire. They also seem to be the stronger than other pikmin.
Yellow Pikmin are resistant to electricity. They also seem to be able to carry bomb rocks.
Blue Pikmin are resistant to water. Other than that, they are remarkably average.
Purple Pikmin are quite strong. They can carry up to 10 tmies what a normal pikmin could manage.
White Pikmin are resistant to poison. Their advanced eyesight allows them to spot hidden treasures.
Rock Pikmin are increadibly dense and can smash through glass. They also seem immune to blunt force and sharp objects.
Winged Pikmin are able to fly. While they are the weakest pikmin, their mobility makes up for it.
Bulborb: >%%

Special Abilities: None

They have no special abilities and seem to love eating any pikmin they can find.
Bramble Wall: TXT

Special Abilities: Durable

It seems pretty durable but eventually Pikmin are able to break it down.
Fiery Blowhog: -{}

Special Abilities: Fire

They attack by shooting fire like a flamethrower.
The Ship will allow you to leave the map and get back to plucking Pikmin to replenish your squad.
KopPad, oh hey that's me! I'm pretty great. If you need help, just check my systems and I'll tell you what I know.
Plains are a general flat area. Watch out for the Bulborbs in this area.
Fire Forest is an eternal burning forest. The flames are increadibly intense and it is impossible to get through without coming into contact with fire.
Bomb Rocks are very powerful items, however it seems that only Yellow pikmin can use them. You can use them in your adventures to deal massive damage to the enemy in front of you.
Nectar is a peculiar thing. The Pikmin love to drink it. Afterwards, their leaves change into buds and their buds sprout into flowers.
Joustmite: <^)

Special Abilities: Piercing

They like to pierce Pikmin with their sharp horn and are well protected by their shell.
Pyroclasmic Slooch: /\~

Special Abilities: Fire

They leave fire everywhere they go and can burn attacking enemies.
Bearded Amprat: m()

Special Abilities: Electric

By creating static with their "beard", these creatures can cause quite the shock.
Reinforced Wall: |||

Special Abilities: Really Hard

These walls cannot be damaged by Pikmin. Perhaps if we could find a few bombs of some sort in other areas.
Anode Beetle: nHn

Special Abilities: Electric

Always found in pairs, these beetles create an electric wall between them.
The Desert is a rather desolate area. Creatures here can handle intense conditions. There are also occasional Bomb Rocks lying around.
Power Plant seems to be damaged. There are sparks constantly shooting out of the building. It is highly likely the inside is just as bad.
Alph is the short guy in the blue spacesuit. He will help you out by plucking pikmin once in a while.
Brittany is the girl in the pink spacesuit. She is a great botanist and will attempt to synthesize some nectar for you.
Charlie is the guy in the green spacesuit. As a captain, he will encourage you and your team to work faster.
Louie is the taller guy in the blue spacesuit. He has been playing with bugs a long time and knows a lot about how creatures work. Your pikmin will be able to fight harder now.
Olimar is the guy in the red spacesuit. He has the more knowledge about this planet than anyone. He will show you some paths you may not have seen before.
The President has taken notice of your operations here. He is willing to buy some of the stuff you've found and sell you supplies.
Clearing is an open area surrounded by a forest. Sensors are indicated some rather strong enemies lurking here.
Waterfall is flowing down the river. Expect some dangerous aquatic creatures here.
Ancient Tree has been here over 1200 years. It is guarded by a variety of obstacles including Fiery Blowhog and Electric Walls.
Bridges must be built by pikmin. After being constructed, they should stay that way. However, there are a few creatures that occasionally destroy bridges.
The Farm is where you can send Pikmin to harvest Pellet Posies. Unfortunately, once a Pikmin is assigned to work here, there is no way to use it in other places.
The Pit is deep and dark. It looks scary and has pointy rocks all over.
This Snowman is cute. I wonder who built this. Bulborb activty seems unusually high here.
Swamp looks dangerous. There is a high level of poison surrounding the area.
Mines are structurally sound. Scans are not powerful enough to determine just how deep the tunnels go.
Sheargrub: >ww

Special Abilities: None

These aggressive little creatures like to come in pairs.
Snagret: /|

Special Abilities: Evasive

This fiesty creature likes to burrow underground, making it hard to kill.
Cannon Beetle: (o)

Special Abilities: Durable, Blunt

The armor on this creature can make it very difficult to kill. It also shoots giant rocks that can flatten large portions of your squad.
Wollywog: p@q

Special Abilities: None

These frog-like creatures will jump high in the air to crush your pikmin.
Bulbear: =&%

Special Abilities: None

This creature is similar to the Bulborb, though it is darker in color. It also appears to be quite a bit more powerful.
Goolix: C%J

Special Abilities: Water

This ball of water contains 2 nuclei and seems to be quite durable.
Pellets are harvested from Pellet Posies. They come in many different colors and sizes. The size of a pellet is equal to the number on it.
Electric Gate: NMN

Special Abilities: Electric

This wall can be taken down by Pikmin, but will electrocute anything that touches it.
Skutterchuck: -M>

Special Abilities: Crystalline

The stone on its back makes this creature pretty durable. Rock Pikmin seem to be able to break the protective stone quicker.
Arachnode: 30E

Special Abilities: Webbing

This spider-like creature will make a web across your path. Winged pikmin often get caught in these webs.
Dirt Wall: Y#Y

Special Abilities: Durable

This wall is tightly packed with dirt. Despite being quite durable, Pikmin will eventually tear it down.
Armored Cannon Larva: ,@,

Special Abilities: Blunt

Despite only being in the larva form, this creature can shoot rocks out its cannon-like mouth.
Segmented Crawbster: 7G>

Special Abilities: Crushing

This creature uses its massive club-like arm to crush enemies. It will also cause enough commotion to send rocks falling.
Armored Mawdad: =Oo

Special Abilities: Crystalline

Armored by crystalline plating, this creature is tough. It uses its long body to trap its enemies and eat them.
Swooping Snitchbug: ~O~

Special Abilities: Evasive

This creature flies around and snatches Pikmin. The catured enemies are dropped from heights that kill their prey.
Gatling Groink: -(O

Special Abilities: None

Sporting a windshield-like covering over it's face, this creature will fire mortars to attack its enemies.
Empress Bulblax: oOo

Special Abilities: None

A huge creature that will use its massive body to roll over enemies It is commonly surrounded by its offspring.
Caves are everywhere. They are also unpredictable. You never know what enemies are lurking in the caves. However, caves are the only way you will find any Candypop Buds.
Candypop Buds are used to change any pikmin into one that shares the color of the flower. These purple and white Pikmin are not able to be grown like the other types.
Poisoned Bramble Wall: TXT

Special Abilities: Poison

This Bramble wall is surrounded by a cloud of deadly, poisonous gas. On the bright side, the extended exposure has weakened the wall.
Sputtlefish: %O{

Special Abilities: Poison

Normally found in pools of water, this fish emits a nasty toxin to make it easier to catch and eat their prey.
Vehemoth Phosbat: <O>

Special Abilities: Poison

A giant moth-like creature that will eat Pikmin and poison the battlefield. This creature like to hide in dark places and is very sensitive to light.
Pokos are the official currency of Hocotate and Koppai, the planets your team members are from. You can use these to buy upgrades from the President's store.
version 1.1.0